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The Full Story

Dirty Lil Cacao is a Colorado-based company that is dedicated to improving the dirty history of chocolate production from around the world. Through initiatives to help support cacao farmers so that they can pay fair and living wages to the community, they live with. While creating gourmet chocolates with a twist. 

Keane Karnan is a Mesa State culinary-trained chef who fell in love with bean-to-bar chocolate after experiencing his first bean-to-bar chocolate. Needless to say, it ruined Keane from eating mainstream chocolate ever since. Keane worked in assisted living facilities for many years and wanted to bring something sweet to residents. Keane started making chocolate with the residents and found that the art of chocolate was a hidden passion that he wanted to pursue. Today Keane would love to introduce chocolate as you have never tasted it before from exotic locations.

Chef Keane making chocolate
Chocolate origin map

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Our New Address & Physical Location

300 Main Street, Ste. 101

Grand Junction, CO 81501

Ph# 800 825-8772 or Email us.

Business Hours

Monday 10.30 am - 4 pm

Tuesday thru Friday 10.30 am - 5 pm

Saturdays 10.30 am to 2 pm & By Appt.

Come & Host your private Scent Event with us! Call for details. 

Thank you


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